Hi, i'm Laura
Since becoming a Mum, I found looking after myself a struggle, and I was never a priority in the daily list of never ending to do’s.
My health suffered significantly, I was picking up every illness that was going around and one morning when my little girl was just over 3 years old, I couldn’t get out of bed. I had the most horrible headache and my body just couldn’t get up. It felt like every part of me had zero energy. This continued for two weeks. Alongside of this I had been losing lots of hair, clumps of it, my skin was terrible, I was always bloated and had gained weight which was affecting my physical fitness. My confidence was really low.
With the help of a naturopath, I took a good look at what was going on. I was under nourished, over stressed and lacked any kind of community or support in raising Halle. I had become bottom of the pile and had completely forgotten how important my own self care was.
Fast forward to today, there are absolutely still days where I am overwhelmed with being a single mum and navigating all of what that entails. But my energy is back, my hair is back, I feel better than I ever have in my body. The bloating, and the bad skin has gone. And it was all down to making small uncomplicated changes to my daily routine, and nourishing myself properly.
Helping other Mums is now what I feel passionately about. I want to help them prioritise themselves, to feel good about their health, their bodies, to feel in control of their lives. To provide a community so they aren’t alone in this crazy world where Mums are expected to do it all.
Now a certified Health Coach, I am ready to support Mum's every step of the way back to health.